Webd Installation for Windows.

  1. Download the packages with name like webd-***-win32.7z
  2. Extract it to a proper localtion.
  3. Edit the file webd.conf inside the extracted folder with a text editor according to Configuration File Description.
  4. Run the webd.exe to start webd.
  5. DoubleClick the tray icon will open the web interface of webd in default browser.
  6. The tools.cmd is used for setting up desktop shortcut and automatic startup.

    The web interface of webd only work with newer version of Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
    Every time after editing the webd.conf, webd must be restarted to take effect.

Webd Installation for Linux.

  1. Download the pacages with name like webd-***-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    If using some linux distributions with musl libc, then webd-***-x86_64-linux-musl.tar.gz should be used.
  2. Use command "tar xzvf webd-***-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz" to extract it, and move the webd folder to /opt (or some other path).
  3. Edit the file webd.conf inside the extracted folder with a text editor according to Configuration File Description.
  4. Change current dir to webd folder and run webd like below commands.
    cd /opt/webd; ./webd
    Or run webd in background:
    cd /opt/webd; nohup ./webd >/dev/null &
  5. By adding below content to /etc/rc.local, webd will automatic start after system boot.
    /opt/webd/webd -c /opt/webd/webd.conf -w /mnt >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    Option '-c /opt/webd/webd.conf' means use /opt/webd/webd.conf as configuration file.
    Option '-w /mnt' means sharing folder /mnt on web, change it to other path if needed.

    If '-w /mnt' omitted, the option 'Webd.Root' in webd.conf will be used.

Webd Installation for OpenWRT.

  1. Choose the right package, since there are so many of them?
    Run 'cat /etc/openwrt_release' in shell to get DISTRIB_ARCH and DISTRIB_TARGET, for example:
    Simply put, packages that have 'mipsel' and 'ramips' in their names should be chosen to use.
    In theory, all the packages with a 'mipsel' in it's name can be run on the device.
    But the 'libc' may be various in OpenWRT with different version/configuration.
    Run '/lib/libc.so' in shell can get the libc type.
    Many of them use 'musl', and some use 'uclibc'. So 'musl' or 'uclibc' should also match the packages name.
    If the 'mt7621' part match the package name will be even better, but that is not necessary.

  2. The rest steps are same as Linux.

Webd Installation for Android.

  1. There are two webd packages for Android devices.
    Older devices should use the one with 'armv7', others should use the one with 'aarch64'.
  2. Untar the package, use below command to put the bianry file to the Android device.
    adb push webd /data/local/tmp
  3. Use 'adb shell' to 'login' the Android device and run below commands:
    cd /data/local/tmp
    chmod 555 webd
    killall webd # stop previous process.
    ifconfig # get the ip address for later use.
    mkdir -pv /sdcard/.Trash # all deleted files will be put into this folder.
    nohup /data/local/tmp/webd -g0 -u rlumS:username:pass123 -w /sdcard &> /dev/null &
    The 'username' and 'pass123' should be changed to other values for safty reason.

    Or just use the scripts 'inst_webd.cmd'(for windows) or 'inst_webd.sh'(for linux) to install webd to Android device.
    The value 'user1' and 'pass1' in the script should be changed to other values before run the script, for safty reason.
    The path '/data/local/tmp' that webd installed to, should not be changed, other path has no executable permissions.