Use 'adb shell' to 'login' the Android device and run below commands:
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 555 webd
killall webd # stop previous process.
ifconfig # get the ip address for later use.
mkdir -pv /sdcard/.Trash # all deleted files will be put into this folder.
nohup /data/local/tmp/webd -g0 -u rlumS:username:pass123 -w /sdcard &> /dev/null &
The 'username' and 'pass123' should be changed to other values for safty reason.
Or just use the scripts 'inst_webd.cmd'(for windows) or ''(for linux) to install webd to Android device.
The value 'user1' and 'pass1' in the script should be changed to other values before run the script, for safty reason.
The path '/data/local/tmp' that webd installed to, should not be changed, other path has no executable permissions.